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RWC Kirk Packo Surgical Video Gallery

RWC Video Gallery Co-Chairs: Nassim Abreu, MD (Dominican Republic), Aleksandra Rachitskaya, MD (USA), and Vivek Chaturvedi, MD (USA)

The Video Gallery is brought to you in part by ALCON, BAUSCH & LOMB, and GENENTECH/ROCHE.

The Retina World Congress Video Gallery will serve the global retina community with an encyclopedia of retinal videos highlighting everything surgical retina from introductory steps and basic maneuvers to complex vitreoretinal techniques. Our hope is to grow the Video Gallery showcasing a variety of techniques from all across the world.

To submit a video, please create a “My RWC” account here: Register

Spiderweb endophthalmitis

Fausto fernandez ventura - Md

Another One Bites the Dust

Jamil Poletti Jabbour - MD

Myopic Macular Schisis Peeling

Kevin Elwood - MD

Uveal Effusion Syndrome

Luca Landini - MD

Funnel Retinal Detachment after Severe Trauma

Siegfried Priglinger - MD; FEBO

Dislocated DSEK Flap

Vivek Chaturvedi - MD

Plug The Pit

Hussain Ahmad Khaqan - MD


Dr Kanwaljeet Harjot Madan - M.S. (OPhthalmology), FAICO (Retina & Vitrous)

Severe Ocular Trauma

Mauricio Maia - MD PhD

Navigating Deep Waters: Sub-retinal Pellet

Joaquín Sosa Lockward - MD

Maze of Membranes

Raju Sampangi - MD


Yassine Malek - MD

Triple freeze-thaw technique

Nassim Abreu - MD

Believe It or Not

Hussain Ahmad Khaqan - MD

Subretinal Cysticercosis

Diva Kant Misra - DNB

Giant Retinal Tear and Severe PVR

Marcio Nehemy - MD PhD

Surgery for stage 4 Coats Disease

Sengul Ozdek - MD, FEBO, FASRS

Vitrectomy in Severe PDR

Alejandro José Lavaque -

Vasoproliferative Tumor Treatment

Marcio Nehemy - MD,PhD

Retinochoroidal Biopsy

Victor Villegas - MD

Segmental scleral buckle

Ahmed Sallam - MD, PhD, FRCOphth

2-Port PVR Repair Under Oil

John Kitchens - MD

Giant Retinal Tear

Vivek Chaturvedi - MD

RRD + Myopic MH

Nassim Abreu - MD