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RWC Women Global

Retina World Congress (RWC) is excited to have formed the RWC Women Global as part of its all-inclusive educational efforts around the world. The mission of RWC Women Global is to promote the global representation of female retina specialists in scientific/educational activities and leadership positions around the world. Further, to provide mentorship to young female retina specialists navigating their careers. This goal is accomplished by setting a global interactive network of retina specialists around the world to connect and empower the global community of women in retina. RWC’s partnership with over 50 retina societies around the world offers a unique forum to help RWC Women Global reach its goals. We believe that RWC Women Global will have an immediate positive impact in mentorship and increasing the representation of stellar female retina specialists in the world of retina.


RWC Women Global Co-Chairs:

Audina Berrocal, MD (USA), Maria Berrocal, MD (Puerto Rico), Daniela Ferrara MD, PhD, FASRS (USA), Camille Palma, MD (USA), and Jessica Randolph, MD (USA)

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