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Guide to a Successful Video Submission

This guide provides information for preparing digital video for submission to Retina World Congress’ Video Library. Videos should focus on education, innovative maneuvers, and techniques, sharing pearls and teaching points for retina specialists. Over the course of each year, reviewers and co-chairs will select several videos to present at the annual Retina World Congress meeting, beginning in May 2024. These videos will be recognized in the following categories 1) Best Educational Video, 2) Best New Technique, and 3) Most Entertaining Video.

Technical Requirements


For a video to be included in the RWC Video Library, its final data size must be less than 500 MB.


The video library requires MP4 encoding using the H.264 codec for your digital video submission. We strongly recommend 16:9 aspect ratio. Encode your video using square pixels for the pixel aspect ratio to avoid your movie looking stretched when projected.


Video library submissions must not exceed 02:30.0 (2 minutes, 30.0 seconds). Efficient videos with a single teaching point are usually the most effective and most frequently viewed.

Video Image

The default image for your video is a YouTube thumbnail. You may upload your own image at 560×315 pixel dimensions.


Please remember to review the meta-data properties of your digital file and insert appropriate identifying comments, such as: author, title, resolution, keywords, and copyright information. RWC requires that you declare that you are the original owner of the video; that you grant RWC use of the images/videos; and that you hold RWC harmless from any claim arising from the video.


Audio quality is as important as image quality to the overall impact of your video. Try to avoid recording the noise of computer fans and disks. It is generally better to record the audio separately, by doing a voice-over in a studio or other quiet room.